DaVon & Greene

I'm glad you're here.
I want to start by thanking the JW Perkins Group team from the bottom of my heart. It all started with a shared belief that we could create something special. And the result of that belief is this website- a place for you to explore who I am as an author.
I want to thank each and every person who played a part in this endeavor. This project has shown me what belief can do. I love and cherish each and every one of you.
To my new fans, I want to extend a thank you for taking time to learn more about me. I hope that you find something in these pages that resonates with you- be it a new great read, a podcast, or something else entirely.
If you love what you find here, please let me know. I'd love to hear thoughts and reactions to the content I've created. So please don't hesitate to reach out on on of my social media channels. I'm sure together we can make something truly wonderful.
Kind Regards,
DaVon & Greene
My Beginning
As a young boy, I often found myself writing about this subject or that. Raised in a household filled with various books and magazines. I read everything from- Reader's Digest, Motortrend, Variety, to the Encyclopedia Britannica- my head was often buried in a book, reading something that caught my interest.
Growing up as the son of an author and composer- BB Johnson AKA Joseph Greene (Together Brothers, Across the Alley from the Alamo)- and the son of a trailblazer, Marthella Wilson Greene (Chairman of the Board Cal Tech Federal Credit Union, Audit Coordinator JPL). I knew that writing was in my blood and I always planned to fulfill my dream as an author.

My Writing Journey
With a wide range of interests, I was drawn towards cartels, crime, and drugs. I didn't complete my first serious undertaking until I was in my early teens. Subsequently, I gave my prized literary achievement to my father's friend, Saul David (Director: Logan's Run and Fantastic Voyage) to get an honest critique. He was intrigued, but wasn't overwhelmed. I will never forget his words, "I want to be able to taste the characters," he exclaimed. That critique sent my life into a whole other direction, putting down the pen in the pursuit of entering the world that I wrote about in an endless cycle that there was no escape from. The only thing that was constant was my writing.
"It's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve."
- John Cleese, The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
With a lifetime of stories, ideas, and emotional peaks and valleys, I write.
With a sense of pride and purpose, I write.
With a desire to achieve, I write.
DaVon & Greene